2016 Smarts Challenge

Competition Date:  Feb. 3, 2016

Winners - McIntosh - Congrats and well done!

Time:  9:00 am to 4:30 pm CST.
Where:  Scherr Howe Arena

Presented by:  Mobridge-Pollock School Science Dept.
Martin Looyenga:  martin.looyenga@k12.sd.us
Pam Wells:  pam.wells@k12.sd.us
School ph #:  605-845-9200

Sponsored by:  Main St. Bank, Fairfax, VA (Jeff W. Dick),  Oahe Area Retired Teachers, Mobridge Chamber of Commerce & MPHS Science Club

Assisted by:  Oahe Area Retired Teachers, Volunteers from Mobridge community, Mobridge-Pollock HS National Honor Society

This is a competition for creative, science based learners.  This is a time to explore science in ways that are not always easy to accomplish in the classroom.  Students can create, build, and showcase their work.  They can also work as teams to solve problems.  The competitions will consist of "make and takes" where the student teams will build a device and bring it to the competition.  There will also be on-site activities where students will be asked to solve engineering or science based problems.

 I - We'd like to invite your school's students, primarily science students, but 
     any high school student can compete.
II - Each school may bring up to 4 teams consisting of up to 12 students per team.

      Registration Form: for each team competing - complete and attach check -
      due Jan. 13, 2016.

      Coaches:  Please be aware of the time schedule as your students sign-up for 
      events.  Every time slot has at least two events coinciding.

III - There will be 8 events:  Each event may consist of 1 - 4 participants.
      Descriptions and rules are attached as PDF Files.

      1 - Do As I Write  (PDF File) 
      2 - Rube Goldberg Machine  (PDF File)
           Rube Goldberg scoring rubric  (PDF File)
      3 - Thinking on Your Feet  (PDF File) 
      4 - Sling & Catch (PDF File) (we will be impounding the device before and after the
                                                    compeition - have 'em ready to go when you get here)
      5 - Pictionary (PDF File)  Pictionary rules -- click here
      6 - Kilo Car (PDF File)
      7 - Chain Gang (PFD File)
      8 - Bridge Building (PDF File)
      Questions have been asked regarding testing for bridge building.  Here are a couple pics of
      the test apparatus.  It will be placed over the top of the bridge.

      Almost all rules can be interpreted differently.  If something is questionable, please ask in 
      the comment/question box at the bottom of this page. 

      BEST YOUTUBE VIDEO CONTEST:  Create a Youtube video of your 2016 Smarts 
      Challenge preparation.  We will have an independent panel judge them.  Your team's 
      youtube team (1-3 students) will receive "winner" t-shirts.  
      This event is optional and will not count against your team points if you do not enter.

      BEST TEAM T-SHIRT CONTEST:  Have your team wear team t-shirts/shirts  on Feb. 3rd. 
      The judge panel will choose a winner.  The team's designers (1-3 students) will receive 
      "winner" t-shirts.
      This event is optional and will not count against your team points if you do not enter.

       (Schedule has been revised...please take note)
      Coaches - Be aware of the time schedule as you set up teams for each event.  
      Students are not to be registered for 2 events competing at the same time. 

      Awards presentation to follow last competition and Showcase.

 V - Judges and event directors will be coaches from participating schools, assisted 
       by volunteers from the Mobridge community.

VI - Prizes:
      1st place in each event - each event team member will be awarded an event specific t-shirt
      2nd & 3rd place - each team member will be awarded a medal
      Overall Winning Team - each team member will receive a TI-83 Plus calculator
      Team Trophies will be given to the top three scoring schools.

VII - Entry fee:  $125 per team per school payable to Mobridge Pollock School Dist.

Registration Form:  Complete and attach check - payable to Mobridge Pollock Public Dist..  Due Jan. 16, 2015

Comments/Questions are much appreciated.  Please post them below.


  1. I have a question about the bridge building. Is there a maximum load? If not, how is this being tested? Will it be loading of sand, masses, or is there a testing apparatus to determine how much weight it holds? If I remember from a few years ago, there was a problem having enough weight to put on them and it got out of hand testing them. If there is a testing device, then it works great. I know that they use one in the Technology contests in Bismarck. Also, how will it be determined that only elmers glue is used and only one bottle?

  2. Thank you for the questions! In regard to testing the load we will be using a bucket of weights that will have a maximum load capacity of 100 pounds. If more than one bridge is able to hold the 100 pounds, the winner will be determined by load ratio (bucket load divided by weight of bridge). In regard to the bridge and the materials used I believe that each coach will ensure that the student adhere to the rules of 500 round wooden toothpicks and one bottle of Elmer's white school glue. As teachers, we understand the importance of ethics in science and all fields. Therefore, I believe all will compete with sportsmanship and the intent of the rule will be followed.

  3. Thanks for the answers. My students are coming up with good questions in regards to the contests and I have been asking them in the blog for them. It's good for them to question and receive answers to their questions! Thanks...again.

    I agree that the teachers will uphold the rules. I really needed to know the maximum load due to the fact that the bridges will more than likely exceed the 100 pounds. I have students that have built bridges for TSA competitions in this fashion that have held 100 pounds. Thanks for the information.

    I have another question on the Chain Gang rules. How will the ranking of the categories be done? Is it based on most or least mass of chain? Longest or shortest chain? And of course largest mass held.

    Another question on the Sling and Catch: compressed air canisters includes the bicycle pump concept used for the cannon last year?

  4. I didn't finish my last question! Is the bicycle pump air canister concept a No this year?

  5. Chain Gang Rankings - they want to make them long, light and strong
    longest chain ranks 1
    lightest chain ranks 1
    strongest chain ranks 1

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  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Question has been asked about using air pressure in the "Sling & Catch". Hope this works for everyone. We are going to allow the use manual bicycle pumps (same as last year with "cannon"). There must be a pressure gauge and pressure cannot exceed 20 psi. The pressure must be built up prior to "hands off".
    The use of CO2 cartidges is not allowed.

    Here is our stipulation though. Due to a high volume of flying objects during the day, in past years, we will be impounding the launchers before and after the Sling & Catch competition. Have them ready to go when you get here.

  9. So, in other words, the sling and catch can be a cannon using compressed air? Similar to last year but you must catch the ping pong ball. Is this correct?

    For the bridge building, we are confused about "5.0 cm in height" and the "4.0 projection below the support surfaces". These two descriptions seem to be the same thing. What are we missing? Thanks.

  10. yep on the sling and catch - remember the time delay though

    I'll let Pam answer the Bridge Question

  11. So the "thinking on your feet" group will be tied up most of the day or will there be some down time for them so some can participate in other events. Thanks

  12. Thinking on your feet will be tied up for the morning; just as in year's past. I'm glad you mentioned this Molly. I am going to move up the competition to before lunch.

  13. The picture of the loading plate seems to be missing on the bridge rules. How is the loading plate supposed to sit on the bridge if it is 5cm wider than the bridge is allowed to be? So there cannot be sides or it has to sit on top of the side supports? How big of a hole is needed for the bucket support under the loading plate?

  14. I am sorry for this, but there is another schedule change. Molly's suggestion and I think it will make things easier in the afternoon.
    We are moving "thinking on your feet" competition to morning.
    We are going to shorten things up bit so that...
    basement will have Do As I Write followed by Chain Gang
    upstairs will have Bridge Building followed by Pictionary

    I will have a new schedule downloaded tonight. It's on my computer at home.

  15. This is probably a stupid question but can we use our cannons to launch the ping pong ball or does it have to be a catapult? It only says Each team will construct and bring a device that will launch a ping-pong ball into a catching device. I guess when I saw the compressed air thing, I figured we could use our cannons.

  16. Molly,
    Please see comments above.

  17. For the Bridge contest, what constitutes a break? Does it have to fall below the testing surface a certain distance or fall below the minimum 5 cm height? Are we understanding this correctly: the loading plate is put on a surface that is 5 cm above the level of the 30 cm opening and there does not need to be a hole on the bridge? The 4 cm maximum is for below the 30 cm gap that the bridge is placed over?

    Sling and Catch: Will they be allowed to do some testing due to the fact that they have to transport the devices and travel sometimes causes damage and they may want to check and adjust prior to competition? Thanks. Meg
    Thanks for information on Chain Gang! :)

  18. Sling & Catch - good idea Meg regarding having some testing time. We can work that in.

    Bridge - Pam will be addressing this soon. We are in semester test week and it's a bit chaotic 'round here.

  19. Bridge Building: The bridge breaking will be determined by the judge using the following guidelines. 1. any piece coming off the bridge during testing is considered "breaking"; 2. definite break in any of the toothpicks while testing; 3. bending of bridge below the testing platform (3/4 in), i.e. the bridge can not bend more than 3/4 in. The testing apparatus will be placed ON TOP of the bridge and chains will hang down either side holding the weighted bucket. Thanks for your questions!

  20. Thanks. On the registration form it has a date of Jan 16th, and above I saw Jan 13th due date. I will send our forms via email and then in the mail when the check is given to me. We have three teams. Thanks. Meg

  21. Pam, can you answer the bridge building question on asked up above? Thanks.

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    1. Meg,
      Because students have been working on their cars, and because the rules did not specify, the kg can leave the car. The rules didn't say "no".

  23. For thinking on your feet, each team should have:
    1 - a hammer - a smaller one would be better, but certainly not necessary
    no sledges though :)
    2 - a needle nose pliers
    3 - a regular pliers
    4 - screwdrivers : phillips and flat (not big ones)


Comments / Questions? Here is the place.